
Here is a list of the requirements needed to begin using Berry React.


  1. Node JS - Version 20.x.x recommended

  2. Yarn/NPM package manager

  3. When copying folders, include hidden files like .env. This file contains important theme settings. Do not delete the .env file. Update its values according to your organization’s needs, but do not change the keys.

  4. The theme includes two lock files: yarn.lock (for Yarn) and package-lock.json (for npm). Each of these files corresponds to a different package manager. To ensure consistency and avoid potential conflicts:

    1. Choose a Package Manager: Decide whether you will use Yarn or npm for managing dependencies in your project.

      • If using Yarn: Retain yarn.lock and delete package-lock.json.

      • If using npm: Retain package-lock.json and delete yarn.lock.

    2. Do Not Modify Lock Files Manually: Avoid editing the contents of yarn.lock or package-lock.json directly. Manually changing these files can lead to dependency issues and inconsistencies. Always use the appropriate package manager commands (yarn or npm) to update or regenerate these files.

You can check your current version using following commands:

c:\> node -v
c:\> yarn -v
c:\> npm -v

This documentation primarily uses Yarn. You can replace Yarn commands with npm if needed.


If you face the following error in your terminal, it means Yarn is not installed in your system.

c:\> yarn -v
'yarn' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Please install it using this link as it does not come with Node automatically.

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