
Berry - React Admin Dashboard Template Documentation


Berry is a React Dashboard Template that prioritizes developer-friendliness and customization using Material-UI.

Berry has plenty of ready-to-use Material-UI components, streamlining the development process and saving time.

Berry has been designed to meet the highest industry standards for ease of use, speed, and scalability, utilizing a cutting-edge technology stack of React Hooks, Components, VITE, Next.js, and Redux.

Additional Documentation

This document will cover help related berry theme. Additionally for components you can refer to library documents. Following is few main documentations that you can refer as well.

Technology Stack

  • Material UI v5 components library

  • Authentication Methods - Auth0, Firebase, JWT, AWS

  • Redux-toolkit

  • React Hooks API

  • Redux & React Context API for State Management

  • React Router

  • Axios

  • Vite

  • Code Splitting

  • CSS-in-JS

  • Multi-Language


Any Suggestion? OR Feedback

We welcome all feedback. If you have any comments or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us through our Support Panel at any time. We look forward to hearing from you.

Last updated