Template Config

You can edit this file at [ ../src/config.js ]

export const gridSpacing = gridSpacing ;
export const drawerWidth = drawerWidth ;

// ==============================|| THEME CONFIG  ||============================== //

const config = {
   * the props used for set home path in sub domain
   * only at build time to set
   * like, /materially/react/default
  basename: 'demos/admin-templates/materially/react/stage',

   * the props used for default theme palette mode
   * explore the default theme
   * below theme options -
   * 'light' (default)
   * 'dark'
  theme: 'light',

   * the props used for default theme direction
   * explore the default theme
   * below theme options -
   * 'false' (default)
   * 'true'
  rtlLayout: false,

   * The props used for display menu-items with multi-language.
   * We provide static below languages according to 'react-intl' options - https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-intl
   * 'en' (default)
   * 'fr'
   * 'ro'
   * 'zh'
  i18n: 'en'

export default config;

REACT_APP_VERSION = Version of app

Last updated