

Navigate to your root folder (ex. materially-react-hook-material-js)

c:\>cd materially-react-hook-material-js

Install Packages by npm.

c:\materially-react-hook-material-js> npm i --legacy-peer-deps


After package installation, you can start your app by using npm run start command

c:\materially-react-hook-material-js> npm run start

This will start your local server at http://localhost:3000 Also, your terminal shows the following.

Compiled successfully!

You can now view materially-react-hook-material-js in the browser.

Local:            http://localhost:3000    
On Your Network:

Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use npm run build.

Build & Deploy

This might be too early to deploy but it is always good to know how to deploy.

To build your app in production use npm run build command

c:\materially-react-hook-material-js> npm run build

Deploy for your live site

Change the base URL with your domain and build your application.

You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json

"homepage": ""

Last updated