Axios API call using SWR
Products values has been initialized using useSWR with Axios fetcher like below:
Copy export function useGetProducts () {
const { data , isLoading , error , isValidating } = useSWR ( endpoints .key + endpoints .list , fetcher , {
revalidateIfStale : true ,
revalidateOnFocus : true ,
revalidateOnReconnect : true
const memoizedValue = useMemo (
() => ({
products : data ?.products ,
productsLoading : isLoading ,
productsError : error ,
productsValidating : isValidating ,
productsEmpty : ! isLoading && ! data ?. products ?. length
}) ,
[data , error , isLoading , isValidating]
return memoizedValue;
You can mutate products list with Axios call, like below,
Copy export async function productFilter (filter) {
const newProducts = await axios .post ( endpoints .key + endpoints .filter , { filter });
// to update local state based on key
mutate (
endpoints .key + endpoints .list ,
(currentProducts) => {
return {
... currentProducts ,
products : newProducts .data
} ,
Set default axios baseURL for call API
Open .env file and edit REACT_APP_API_URL.
## Backend API URL
You can configure the same for next.js as well.
Axios has been configured in the folder ..src\utils\axios.js
Example 1: With baseUrl
Copy import axios from 'axios' ;
const axiosServices = axios .create ({ baseURL : import . meta . env . VITE_APP_API_URL || 'http://localhost:3010/' });
// ==============================|| AXIOS - FOR MOCK SERVICES ||============================== //
axiosServices . interceptors . request .use (
async (config) => {
const accessToken = localStorage .getItem ( 'serviceToken' );
if (accessToken) {
config .headers[ 'Authorization' ] = `Bearer ${ accessToken } ` ;
return config;
} ,
(error) => {
return Promise .reject (error);
axiosServices . interceptors . response .use (
(response) => response ,
(error) => {
if ( error . response .status === 401 && ! window . location . href .includes ( '/login' )) {
window . location .pathname = '/maintenance/500' ;
return Promise .reject (( error .response && error . response .data) || 'Wrong Services' );
export default axiosServices;
export const fetcher = async (args) => {
const [ url , config ] = Array .isArray (args) ? args : [args];
const res = await axiosServices .get (url , { ... config });
return res .data;
export const fetcherPost = async (args) => {
const [ url , config ] = Array .isArray (args) ? args : [args];
const res = await axiosServices .post (url , { ... config });
return res .data;
Example 2: Without baseUrl
You can set the entire URL in Axios request. Do not use common Axios instances src\utils\axios.js
instead use directly Axios library.
Copy import { useCallback , useState } from 'react' ;
// third-party
import axios from 'axios' ;
// project-imports
import { UserProfile } from 'types/users' ;
// ==============================|| AXIOS - USER ||============================== //
function UserList () {
const [ users , setUsers ] = useState ([]);
const getUsers = useCallback ( async () => {
try {
const response = await axios .get ( '' );
setUsers ( response . data .users);
} catch (error) {
console .log (error);
} , []);
useEffect (() => {
getUsers ();
} , [getUsers]);
return (
< div >
{ users .map ((user : UserProfile [] , index : number ) => (
< div key = {index}>{ user .name}</ div >
</ div >
Last updated 6 months ago