Project Configuration Configuration option for whole Berry Template
Berry makes it easy for you to manage your settings all in one place, we call it a single source of truth, this will help you to keep everything organized and make it easier to add new settings in the future. You can change things like font, border, theme layout, language, and more. You can find all of these settings in the ..src/config.js
JavaScript TypeScript
Copy import LAYOUT_CONST from 'constant' ;
export const DASHBOARD_PATH = '/dashboard/default' ;
export const HORIZONTAL_MAX_ITEM = 7 ;
const config = {
layout : LAYOUT_CONST . VERTICAL_LAYOUT , // vertical, horizontal
drawerType : LAYOUT_CONST . DEFAULT_DRAWER , // default, mini-drawer
fontFamily : `'Roboto', sans-serif` ,
borderRadius : 8 ,
outlinedFilled : true ,
navType : 'light' , // light, dark
presetColor : 'default' , // default, theme1, theme2, theme3, theme4, theme5, theme6
locale : 'en' , // 'en' - English, 'fr' - French, 'ro' - Romanian, 'zh' - Chinese
rtlLayout : false ,
container : false
export default config;
Copy import LAYOUT_CONST from 'constant' ;
// types
import { ConfigProps } from 'types/config' ;
export const DASHBOARD_PATH = '/dashboard/default' ;
export const HORIZONTAL_MAX_ITEM = 7 ;
const config : ConfigProps = {
layout : LAYOUT_CONST . VERTICAL_LAYOUT , // vertical, horizontal
drawerType : LAYOUT_CONST . DEFAULT_DRAWER , // default, mini-drawer
fontFamily : `'Roboto', sans-serif` ,
borderRadius : 8 ,
outlinedFilled : true ,
navType : 'light' , // light, dark
presetColor : 'default' , // default, theme1, theme2, theme3, theme4, theme5, theme6
locale : 'en' , // 'en' - English, 'fr' - French, 'ro' - Romanian, 'zh' - Chinese
rtlLayout : false ,
container : false
export default config;
Last updated 10 months ago