v3.6.0 - (23-07-2023)
Set loader for all application pages
Set notistack notification variants
Set a parent menu item on horizontal
Theme customizer re-design
Set forgot/reset password flow for Firebase and aws cognito
Bug fixes
fixed megamenu application links
fixed header profile chip color dark mode
fixed palette color - color grey.600 and grey.900 conflict
fixed content resize on drawer toggler
v3.5.0 - (12-05-2023)
Replaced react-beautiful-dnd with @hello-pangea/dnd to avoid --legacy-peer-deps while npm install
v3.4.0 - (10-04-2023)
Update to Next JS 13
WCAG Updates
Set Default Auth as JWT
.env File updates
Added password reset for Cognito auth
Bug Fixes
Landing Section fix for mobile view
Iphone issue - The user needs to click twice
Chat app - emoji issue in mobile
v3.3.0 - (19-01-2023)
New Landing
CSV Export
Render Dashboard menu using API
Added autocomplete form with validation
Packages updates
Removed react-images
Removed MUI-Style
Updated packages to the latest
Bug Fixes
v3.2.0 - (10-10-2022)
React 18 upgrade
Horizontal and Compact menu layout options
Create a constant file for commonly used strings
Other minor package upgrades
SVG file updates due to React 18
Removed .default from the end wherever the image has been used
Added config-override.js to support native node module in react 18
Removed Skeleton version
Some miscellaneous code improvements
Migration to React 18 and other packages
Delete existing node_modules from the project
Update/add the following file from Berry 3.2.0
Update your package.json
Add config-overrides.js
Update src/index.js
to .env fileUpdate .eslintrc file
Replace svgs from
Run npm install using
npm i --legacy-peer-deps
For TS and Next JS, you need to make some more changes related to types. Please refer the latest package (v3.2.0) for the same.
v3.1.2 - (30-05-2022)
Bug Fixes (Common)
Fix Issue in Mozilla with 'rem'. Converted 'rem' to 'px' wherever applicable
Calendar - Hide Week and Month view in Mobile Media
Fix the issue with the opening previous image when clicking on the detail
Remove the 'Rating' keyword when searching with a string
Set Menu highlighted when browser back
Fix Menu collapse issue having sub-menus
Bug Fixes - Next JS (Specifically)
Fix flickering issue in next js. When a user came to the dashboard directly, it shows the dashboard initially and then navigates to the login. This is fixed
Provided Seed version
Package upgrades
v3.1.0 - (22-02-2022)
Organization Chart
Redux toolkit
AWS Amplify login
Container Layout
Mega Menu
Add invoice page
SAAS pages like - Privacy Policy and FAQ
Image upload in kanban
Performance Enhancement
Package upgrades
Fix most possible security vulnerabilities
Client suggestions and Bug Fixes
Next JS Full Version (Released on 25-Mar-2022)
Migration From v3.0.0 to v3.1.0
This version brings most of the new features, so you can directly copy those components from the new version if needed.
For the package upgrades, you can pick the latest package.json and then run yarn/npm. You can resolve errors by copying files from the latest version.
If you need redux-toolkit for your app, we recommend using this version as a base version for your code, else you can refer src/store folder and its references.
v3.0.0 - (21-10-2021)
Next.js TypeScript version (Released on 31-10-2021)
Simplified Authentication flow
Upgrade to react-router v6.0.0-beta.5
Other improvements like Styling, Documentation.
Figma Design file - Improvement and added Kanban app
Added new videos in the Berry Tutorial series.
Migration From v2.0.0 to v3.0.0
Berry 3.0 has major changes with the support of MUI 5.0.x stable version. withStyle and makeStyle are no longer used. So if you want to migrate your project to the latest stable version, you can do the following.
Run style CodeMode by MUI
We have not used codemod for migration but we created style components and then used that. If you prefer that approach, you can do that as well.
v2.0.0 - (03-08-2021)
Upgrade to Material-UI Beta: 5.0.0-beta.1
Upgrade to react-router: 6.0.0-beta.0
Product List
Product Details
Enforce Eslint Rules
Absolute imports
Remove package "react-material-UI-carousel" due to no support in MUI Beta. Achieved same using "slick-carousel"
Other minor improvements & fixes
Migration From v1.2.0 to v2.0.0
Use Codemods for Material-UI upgrades
react-router upgrades
v1.2.0 - (12-06-2021)
Multiple layouts - Simple, Horizontal, with label, divider
Multi column forms
Action bar
Sticky Action bar
6 color preset files
Added color preset files.
Authentication responsive issues fixed.
Change color variables name
Table->Enhanced Table checkbox issue fixed.
Pricing pages fixed.
Set 404 Error page redirection.
Change the structure of the Mail app
Fixed responsive issues.
Fixed responsive issue.
The drawer issue is fixed.
Migration from v1.1.0 to v1.2.0
Change in naming of color variable to make theme scalable for multiple color options.
v1.1.0 - (28-05-2021)
More closer to the single responsibility model
Added propTypes declaration for components which helps in the development
Set Prettier formatting property "bracketSpacing" as
for better readabilityCode clean up and minor bug fixes
File Restructured for better code understanding
Code commenting and documentation
If you using v1.0, please do backup your files first.
v1.0 - Release (15-05-2021)
Berry initial release
Last updated