Theme/Style Configuration

Defines core of theme. How theme is being set using Material-UI.

Customize Berry with your theme. You can change the colors, the typography, and much more. Material-UI provides flexibility to change the style of the project in a single place and on top of it, we made it more centralize and consistent by proper file structure.

Theme configuration

The whole theme can be configured from the folder ..\src\themes . Theme initialization starts inindex.js , where palette, typography, and component's overridable style exist.

import {createTheme} from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import value from '../assets/scss/_themes-vars.module.scss'; // central place for all colors
import {componentStyleOverrides} from './compStyleOverride';
import {themePalatte} from './palatte';
import {themeTypography} from './typography';

export function theme(customization) {
    let navObject = {
        heading: '',
        paper: '',
        backgroundDefault: '',
        background: '',
        textDarkPrimary: '',
        textDarkSecondary: '',
        textDark: '',
        menuSelected: '',
        menuSelectedBack: '',
        divider: '',
        customization: customization

    switch (customization.navType) {
        case 'dark':
            navObject.paper = value.darkLevel2;
            navObject.backgroundDefault = value.paperDark;
            navObject.background = value.backgroundDark;
            navObject.textDarkPrimary = value.textDarkPrimary;
            navObject.textDarkSecondary = value.textDarkSecondary;
            navObject.textDark = value.textDarkPrimary;
            navObject.menuSelected = value.blue500;
            navObject.menuSelectedBack = value.darkLevel1;
            navObject.divider = value.textDarkPrimary;
            navObject.heading = value.textDarkTitle;
        case 'light':
            navObject.paper = value.paper;
            navObject.backgroundDefault = value.paper;
            navObject.background = value.blue50;
            navObject.textDarkPrimary = value.grey700;
            navObject.textDarkSecondary = value.grey500;
            navObject.textDark = value.grey900;
            navObject.menuSelected = value.deepPurple600;
            navObject.menuSelectedBack = value.blue50;
            navObject.divider = value.grey200;
            navObject.heading = value.grey900;

    return createTheme({
        direction: customization.rtlLayout ? 'rtl' : 'ltr', // theme direction
        palette: themePalatte(navObject), // color palatte
        mixins: {
            toolbar: {
                minHeight: '48px',
                padding: '16px',
                '@media (min-width: 600px)': {
                    minHeight: '48px'
        typography: themeTypography(navObject), // typography
        components: componentStyleOverrides(navObject) // overrided component style

export default theme;

As you can see colors for the theme came from the central location import value from '../assets/scss/_themes-vars.module.scss';

// Paper & Background Color
$paper: #ffffff;
$background: #ffffff;

// Primary Colors
$blue50: #e3f2fd;

// Success Colors
$A100: #b9f6ca;

// Purple Colors
$deepPurple50: #ede7f6;

// Error Colors
$red200: #ef9a9a;

// Orange Colors
$deepOrange50: #fbe9e7;

// Warning Colors
$amber50: #fff8e1;

// Grey Colors
$grey50: #fafafa;

// Dark Theme Variants

$darkLevel1: #29314f;

$textDarkTitle: #d7dcec;

// this will use in javascript
:export {
    paper: $paper;

    darkLevel1: $darkLevel1;

    blue50: $blue50;

    A100: $A100;

    deepPurple50: $deepPurple50;

    amber50: $amber50;

    grey50: $grey50;
    red200: $red200;

    deepOrange50: $deepOrange50;

You can check other settings like theme typography, palette, and components style override in the same folder. ..src\themes

How to customize it?

You might come across questions like how to change a theme's primary color? How to change textbox or other components which can apply to an entire theme?

Customize Theme Colors

To change the color of the theme, you can either apply color directly to ..src\theme\palatte.js or defines a new variable in ..src\assets\scss\_themes-vars.module.scss and replace it in palatte.js

For instance, if you want to change color where theme.palette.primary.light is being used in a theme then, update following in ..src\themes\palatte.js

import value from '../assets/scss/_themes-vars.module.scss';

 * Color intention that you want to used in your theme
export function themePalatte(theme) {
    return {
        primary: {
            light: '#fff000', // change this to your desired color


Customize Theme Typography

You can customize the typography used in the theme as well from the central place.

For instance, If you want to change font-weight of the typography h5 to 900. To do that, open ..src\themes\typography.js and update as below:

 * Typography used in theme
export function themeTypography(theme) {
    return {
        h5: {
            fontWeight: 900 // changed this to make it 900 from 500

This will apply to all places where you used Typography variant as h5

<Typography variant="h5"...>

Customize MUI Component style

We have provided a central location to override any default style of any component. All the overrides style exist in src\themes\compStyleOverride.js

import value from '../assets/scss/_themes-vars.module.scss';

 * MUI Componets whose styles are overrided as per theme
export function componentStyleOverrides(theme) {
    return {
        MuiButton: {
            styleOverrides: {
                root: {
                    fontWeight: 500,
                    textTransform: 'capitalize',
                    borderRadius: '4px'
        MuiDialog: {
            styleOverrides: {
                paper: {
                    padding: '12px 0 12px 0'

You can add default property for any MUI component and it will be applied everywhere. We emitted lines to view it better in the above code block but you can see many controls' styles override in the same file. Feel free to change it as per your need.

Last updated

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