
Page and URL routing

Berry routing system is based on react-router and its package react-router-dom, it's also using code splitting for better performance.

Configure route

Open...\src\routes\index.jsYou will find the below example code. In the below code we have shown four different routes. <MainRoutes/> is the main layout routing you see after login.

import React, {Suspense} from 'react';
import {Redirect, Switch} from 'react-router-dom';
import {AnimatePresence} from 'framer-motion';

import config from './../config';
import MainRoutes from './MainRoutes';
import LoginRoutes from './LoginRoutes';

import Loader from '../ui-component/extended/Loader/Loader';

import AuthenticationRoutes from './AuthenticationRoutes';
import DocsRoutes from './DocsRoutes';

const Routes = () => {
    return (
            <Suspense fallback={<Loader />}>
                    <Redirect exact from="/" to={config.defaultPath} />
                        {/* Routes for authetication pages */}
                        <AuthenticationRoutes />

                        {/* Routes for documentation pages */}
                        <DocsRoutes />

                        {/* Route for login */}
                        <LoginRoutes />

                        {/* Routes for main layouts */}
                        <MainRoutes />

export default Routes;

Add New menu/route in the main layout

To add one more menu item in <MainRoutes />, update the following file at the same location ...\src\routes\MainRoutes.js

const SamplePage = lazy(() => import('../views/sample-page'));
// import new view and save it in constant. for e.g
const NewMenu = lazy(() => import('../views/new-menu'));

const MainRoutes = () => {
    const location = useLocation();

    return (
                '/new-menu' // add new path like this
            <MainLayout showBreadcrumb={true}>
                <Switch location={location} key={location.pathname}>
                        <Route path="/sample-page" component={SamplePage} />
                        // add new route after this. like below
                        <Route path="/new-menu" component={NewMenu} />                        

export default MainRoutes;

Any route added in <MainLayout> will automatically go through<AuthGuard>

Last updated

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