To use Axios on a page, you need to import it and make a call. After that, you need to make calls to Axios using axios.get('path') or'path') see below implementation.
Copy import axios from '/utils/axios' ; // 1. import axios
import pinia from 'pinia' ; // 1.1. import pinia
export const useContactStore = defineStore ({
id : 'contact' ,
state : () : contactType => ({
contact : [] ,
selectedContact : null
}) ,
getters : {} ,
actions : {
// Fetch contacts
async fetchContacts () {
try {
const data = await axios .get ( '/api/contact/list' ); // 2. change it to local service URL
this .contact = data .data;
} catch (error) {
alert (error);
console .log (error);
} ,
// Fetch contacts
async editContacts (contact : UserProfile ) {
try {
const response = await axios .post ( '/api/contact/modify' , contact);
this .contact = response .data;
} catch (error) {
alert (error);
console .log (error);
} ,
// Fetch contacts
async addContacts (contact : UserProfile ) {
try {
const response = await axios .post ( '/api/contact/add' , contact);
this .contact = response .data;
} catch (error) {
alert (error);
console .log (error);
} ,
//select chat
SelectContact (itemID : any ) {
this .selectedContact = itemID - 1 ;
Copy import mock from './../../utils/mockAdapter' ;
let users = [
id : 1 ,
name : 'Alene' ,
company : 'ABC Pvt Ltd' ,
role : 'Sr. Customer Manager' ,
work_email : '' ,
personal_email : '' ,
work_phone : '380-293-0177' ,
personal_phone : '380-293-0177' ,
location : 'Port Narciso' ,
avatar : 'avatar-1.png' ,
status : 'Laboris non ad et' ,
lastMessage : '2h ago' ,
birthdayText : 'happy Birthday Alene' ,
unReadChatCount : 2 ,
online_status : 'available'
} ,
id : 2 ,
name : 'Keefe' ,
company : 'ABC Pvt Ltd' ,
role : 'Dynamic Operations Officer' ,
work_email : '' ,
personal_email : '' ,
work_phone : '253-418-5940' ,
personal_phone : '253-418-5940' ,
location : 'Afghanistan' ,
avatar : 'avatar-2.png' ,
status : 'Laboris non ad et' ,
lastMessage : '1:20 AM' ,
birthdayText : 'happy Birthday Keefe' ,
unReadChatCount : 3 ,
online_status : 'available'
mock .onGet ( '/api/chat/users' ) .reply ( 200 , {users : users});