Project Configuration

Configuration option for whole Template

Mantis has a single source of truth for default configuration which lets users manage it effectively. It also makes it scalable for new configurations. you can set configs like font, border, theme layout, locale, etc. All those can be configured at ..src/config.js

// ==============================|| THEME CONSTANT ||============================== //

export const twitterColor = '#1DA1F2';
export const facebookColor = '#3b5998';
export const linkedInColor = '#0e76a8';

export const APP_DEFAULT_PATH = '/dashboard/analytics';
export const HORIZONTAL_MAX_ITEM = 7;
export const DRAWER_WIDTH = 260;
export const MINI_DRAWER_WIDTH = 60;

export const NavActionType = {
  FUNCTION: 'function',
  LINK: 'link'

export const SimpleLayoutType = {
  SIMPLE: 'simple',
  LANDING: 'landing'

export const ThemeMode = {
  LIGHT: 'light',
  DARK: 'dark'

export const MenuOrientation = {
  VERTICAL: 'vertical',
  HORIZONTAL: 'horizontal'

export const ThemeDirection = {
  LTR: 'ltr',
  RTL: 'rtl'

// ==============================|| THEME CONFIG ||============================== //

const config = {
   * The props used for the theme font-style.
   * We provide static below options -
   * `'Inter', sans-serif`
   * `'Poppins', sans-serif`
   * `'Roboto', sans-serif`
   * `'Public Sans', sans-serif` (default)
  fontFamily: `'Public Sans', sans-serif`,

   * The props used for display menu-items with multi-language.
   * We provide static below languages according to 'react-intl' options -
   * 'en' (default)
   * 'fr'
   * 'ro'
   * 'zh'
  i18n: 'en',

   * the props used for menu orientation (diffrent theme layout).
   * we provide static below options -
   * 'vertical' (default) - MenuOrientation.VERTICAL
   * 'horizontal' - MenuOrientation.HORIZONTAL
  menuOrientation: MenuOrientation.VERTICAL,

   * the props used for show mini variant drawer
   * the mini variant is recommended for apps sections that need quick selection access alongside content.
   * default - false
  miniDrawer: false,

   * the props used for theme container.
   * the container centers your content horizontally. It's the most basic layout element.
   * default - true which show container
   * false - will show fluid
  container: true,

   * the props used for default theme palette mode
   * explore the default theme
   * below theme options -
   * 'light' (default) - ThemeMode.LIGHT
   * 'dark' - ThemeMode.DARK
  mode: ThemeMode.LIGHT,

   * the props used for theme primary color variants
   * we provide static below options thoe s are already defaine in src/themes/theme -
   * 'default'
   * 'theme1'
   * 'theme2'
   * 'theme3'
   * 'theme4'
   * 'theme5'
   * 'theme6'
   * 'theme7'
   * 'theme8'
  presetColor: 'default',

   * the props used for default theme direction
   * explore the default theme
   * below theme options -
   * 'ltr' (default) - ThemeDirection.LTR
   * 'rtl' - ThemeDirection.RTL
  themeDirection: ThemeDirection.LTR

export default config;

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