Remove Role Base Authentication
How to remove role-based authentication from all page.
Temporary Disable Role-Based Authentication
To temporarily disable authentication, modify the role-based access in the following files.
Step 1: Update app-routing.module.ts
and navigation.ts
data: { roles: [Role.Admin, Role.User] }
data: { roles: [Role.Admin] }
This ensures that all users are treated as Admin, bypassing role-based restrictions.
This ensures that all users are treated as Admin
, bypassing role-based restrictions.
Remove Role Base Authentication Permanent
To remove authentication permanently, follow these steps.
Step 1: Remove Role Import
Open src/app/app-routing.module.ts
and src/app/theme/layout/admin-layout/navigation/navigation.ts
and remove the following import:
import { Role } from './theme/shared/components/_helpers/role';
Step 2: Remove Role-Based Data Restrictions
Find and remove:
data: { roles: [Role.Admin, Role.User] }
data: { roles: [Role.Admin] }
Step 3: Modify auth.guard.ts
to Remove Authorization Check
Open src/app/theme/shared/components/_helpers/auth.guard.ts
and delete this block:
const { roles } =;
if (roles && !roles.includes(currentUser.user.role)) {
// User not authorized, redirect to unauthorized page
return false;
Step 4: Modify nav-content.component.ts
to Remove Role Filtering
Open src/app/theme/layout/admin-layout/navigation/nav-content/nav-content.component.ts
// Life cycle events
ngOnInit() {
this.layout = MantisConfig.layout;
const currentUser = this.authenticationService.currentUserValue;
const userRoles = currentUser?.user.role ? [currentUser.user.role] : [Role.Admin];
this.navigations = this.filterMenu(NavigationItems, userRoles);
constructor() {
this.navigations = NavigationItems;
// Life cycle events
ngOnInit() {
this.layout = MantisConfig.layout;
Step 5: Remove Role-Based UI Restrictions
Modify nav-collapse.component.html
Remove the following attributes:
[ngClass]="{ disabled: !isEnabled }"
ngbTooltip="{{ !isEnabled ? 'You do not have permission to access this page ' : '' }}"
[parentRole]="item().role && item().role.length > 0 ? item().role : parentRole()"
Modify nav-group.component.html
Delete the below content at lines 7 and 9:
Modify nav-item.component.html
ngbTooltip="{{ !isEnabled ? 'You do not have permission to access this page ' : '' }}"
[target]="item().target ? '_blank' : '_self'"
[ngClass]="{ disabled: !isEnabled }"
@if (!isEnabled) {
<span class="coded-micon" [ngClass]="{ disabled: !isEnabled }">
<i class="ti ti-lock"></i>
} @else {
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="itemIcon"></ng-container>
@if (item().icon) {
<span class="coded-mtext">{{ item().title | translate }}</span>
} @else {
@if (!isEnabled) {
<span class="coded-micon" [ngClass]="{ disabled: !isEnabled }">
<i class="ti ti-lock"></i>
{{ item().title | translate }}
[target]="item().target ? '_blank' : '_self'"
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="itemIcon"></ng-container>
@if (item().icon) {
<span class="coded-mtext">{{ item().title | translate }}</span>
} @else {
{{ item().title | translate }}
This removes tooltips and disables restrictions on menu items.
Step 6: Modify Login Page UI
Open src/app/demo/pages/authentication/authentication/auth-login/auth-login.component.html
and remove:
<ul class="nav nav-tabs admin-role d-block">
<div class="row g-2">
@if (!this.authenticationService.isLoggedIn()) {
@for (role of roles; track role.role) {
<div class="col-sm-6">
<li class="nav-item">
<a href="javascript:" class="nav-link" []="selectedRole === role" (click)="onSelectRole(role)">
{{ }}
📌 This removes the role selection UI.