๐Ÿ“Quick Start

How to do development using Gulp


Navigate to your root folder (i.e. DashboardKit)

c:>cd DashboardKit

Install packages by npm or yarn according to your preferences. Here we are using the npm package manager.

> npm i

After package installation, you can start your app by using Gulp command. This will regenerate the dist folder. You can keep this command running while making changes in the src folder. It will auto-apply to the dist folder and your browser.

> gulp

If you are interested more in learning about gulp, check the below section, else you can skip it.


Don't know about Gulp?

Gulp is a toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your project development workflow, so you can stop messing around and build something easier than ever.

  • Auto Minify/Uglify CSS, HTML, and JS codes

  • Auto Compile SaSS file

  • 3000+ Plugins

Gulp for DashboardKit

Use Gulp in DashboardKit for building different layouts and theme customization with lots of functional tasks like Image Optimization, SaSS compilation, etc...which useful to make the production-ready dist/directory

Gulp Commands(task)

Default task

Gulp Command


which build template in /dist directory

Basic task

Gulp Command

gulp sass

which compile .scss files from /src/assets/scss directory and place it into a /dist/assets/css directory

gulp imgmin

which use to optimize images from /src/assets/images directory and place it into a /dist/assets/images directory

gulp build

which use to copy files from /src/assets directory and place it into a /dist/assets directory

gulp build-html

which uses compiling your HTML file from /src/html directory and place it into a /dist directory

gulp build-js

which use to build .js files from /src/assets/js directory and place it into a /dist/assets/js directory

gulp watch

It will automatically start your build process if you make any changes in HTML, scss or js files from /src directory and put new changes to /dist directory

gulp watch-minify

It will automatically start your build process if you make any changes in HTML, scss or js files from /src directory and put new changes to /dist directory with minify assets

Last updated