πŸš€Quick Installation

Follow this guide to quick start using Berry for your need.

You don’t need to install or configure tools like WebPack or CLI. They are configured and hidden so that you can focus on the code.

  1. First of all, it's required to Install Node and npm.

  2. Update the latest angular-cli global package to Angular 18+ with CLI 18.x.x

  3. Unzip berry-angular-v3.x.zip, you will find the /seed/project folder.

  4. Open the terminal and navigate to the seed/folder and Install required node packages using the following command

    npm i --legacy-peer-deps
  5. To run the project locally, The below command will run the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:4200 to view it in the browser.

    npm run start
  6. The page will automatically reload if you make changes to the code.

  7. Now you can use this Angular project for your application development, and make the necessary changes.

  8. To build the app for production, the below command will create the dist/ folder inside this project directory.

    npm run build

The project was built assuming it is hosted at the server root folder of the domain/platform i.ehttp://example.com


to deploy build for sub-folder i.ehttp://example.com/folder-name

You also need to set <base href="/folder-name/">

Last updated