Getting Started

Setup Berry .Net

Berry supports Core 7. The following is a guide to quickly start using the template.


Visual Studio

Make sure to have Visual Studio downloaded on your machine. Currently, Berry supports Core 7 or newer.

Build Theme

Go to the root directory of the project and open BerryDotNet.sln solution file in Visual studio.

Gulp for Berry

Use Gulp in Berry is for building different layouts and theme customization with lots of functional tasks like Image Optimization, SaSS compilation, etc...which really useful to make the production-ready wwwroot/directory. When you run gulp, it copies assets to wwwroot folder.

How to set up Gulp for Berry?

  1. Make sure that you have already installed Nodejs and Gulp on your server/computer

  2. Open the "Command prompt" and redirect to your project root directory.

  3. Enter the command npm install or yarn in the command prompt.

  4. After that, you need to run the below gulp tasks to build a production-ready dist/ directory.

Gulp Commands(task)

Default task

Basic task

now Compile and run the project using visual studio

Last updated