Project Configuration Configuration option for whole Template
Mantis has a single source of truth for default configuration which lets users manage it effectively. It also makes it scalable for new configurations. you can set configs like font, border, theme layout, locale, etc. All those can be configured at ..src/config.js
- English
- français
- Română
- 中国人
set layout from right to left.
different preset for theme.
JavaScript TypeScript
export const drawerWidth = 260;
export const twitterColor = '#1DA1F2';
export const facebookColor = '#3b5998';
export const linkedInColor = '#0e76a8';
// ==============================|| THEME CONFIG ||============================== //
const config = {
fontFamily: `'Public Sans', sans-serif`,
i18n: 'en',
miniDrawer: false,
container: true,
mode: 'light',
presetColor: 'default',
themeDirection: 'ltr'
export default config;
Copy // types
import { DefaultConfigProps } from 'types/config';
export const drawerWidth = 260;
export const twitterColor = '#1DA1F2';
export const facebookColor = '#3b5998';
export const linkedInColor = '#0e76a8';
// ==============================|| THEME CONFIG ||============================== //
const config: DefaultConfigProps = {
defaultPath: '/dashboard/analytics',
fontFamily: `'Public Sans', sans-serif`,
i18n: 'en',
miniDrawer: false,
container: true,
mode: 'light',
presetColor: 'default',
themeDirection: 'ltr'
export default config;