Switch to JWT

Firebase to JWT

Set JWT Config

At present, jwt uses a dummy backend call, so we don't need any secret, but in actual implementation, you need to set a secret in the following file. For more detail refer to JWT here: https://jwt.io/introduction

export const JWT_API = {
  secret: 'SECRET-KEY',
  timeout: '1 days'

Change AuthProvider

import { JWTProvider as AuthProvider } from 'contexts/JWTContext';

Change auth Hooks

Comment another context in the following file and uncomment JWT one.

import AuthContext from 'contexts/JWTContext';

Copy login code

It's also super simple. We have provided a code that just needs to be replaced.

  • From: src\sections\auth\login\JWTLogin

  • To: src\sections\auth\auth-forms\AuthLogin.js

For nextJS, src\components\Authentication\login\JWTLogin to src\components\Authentication\auth-forms\AuthLogin.tsx

Copy register code

We have provided a code that just needs to be replaced.

  • From: src\sections\auth\register\JWTRegister

  • To: src\sections\auth\auth-forms\AuthRegister.js

For nextJS, src\components\Authentication\login\JWTRegister to src\components\Authentication\auth-forms\AuthRegister.tsx

Last updated