Defines change log
v1.2.0 - (12-06-2021)
Multiple layouts - Simple, Horizontal, with label, divider
Multi column forms
Action bar
Sticky Action bar
6 color preset files
Grid page
Button color shadows & Animation
Added color preset files.
Authentication responsive issues fixed.
Change color variables name
Table->Enhanced Table checkbox issue fixed.
Pricing pages fixed.
Set 404 Error page redirection.
Change the structure of the Mail app
Fixed responsive issues.
Fixed responsive issue.
Drawer issue fixed.
Migration from v1.1.0 to v1.2.0
Change in naming of color variable to make theme scalable for multiple color options.
Old | New |
blue50 | primaryLight |
blue200 | primary200 |
blue500 | primaryMain |
blue600 | primaryDark |
blue800 | primary800 |
deepPurple50 | secondaryLight |
deepPurple200 | secondary200 |
deepPurple500 | secondaryMain |
deepPurple600 | secondaryDark |
deepPurple800 | secondary800 |
A100 | successLight |
A200 | success200 |
A400 | successMain |
A700 | successDark |
red200 | errorLight |
red500 | errorMain |
red800 | errorDark |
deepOrange50 | orangeLight |
deepOrange200 | orangeMain |
deepOrange800 | orangeDark |
amber50 | warningLight |
amber100 | warningMain |
amber500 | warningDark |
backgroundDark | darkBackground |
paperDark | darkPaper |
textDarkTitle | darkTextTitle |
textDarkPrimary | darkTextPrimary |
textDarkSecondary | darkTextSecondary |
v1.1.0 - (28-05-2021)
More closer to the single responsibility model
Added propTypes declaration for components which helps in the development
Set Prettier formatting property "bracketSpacing" as
for better readabilityCode clean up and minor bug fixes
File Restructured for better code understanding
Code commenting and documentation
If you using v1.0, please do backup your files first.
v1.0 - Release (15-05-2021)
Berry initial release
Last updated